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“Weegee above Luke” artwork by Tom Springer. It can be redistributed or used in derivative works as long as Tom is cited as the original artist.

Version: 3.1
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If you would like to know what the “Geek Code” means, please copy and paste mine into the box on this website.

I am Luke Patmore, a Philosopher of the Arcane, if you will. My primary hobbies include development of software, pipe organ playing and building, computer hardware and digital logic, and science fiction authorship.

I reside in a simple, uninteresting suburb, right in the middle of Boone county, rural Indiana being a five minute walk away. I routinely frighten the neighbors with large antenna masts and very loud pipe organ experiments in my garage. Behind my neighborhood is a forest that Dustin and I peruse frequently and to the north, some very unorthodox rural features. Dustin and I are presently preparing for extensive charting of these areas, the conclusion of said project will be published on this website upon completion.

As far as digital logic goes, I am engaged in another project (only research and planning at this point). That is to build a computer out of relays, proving that silicon is not magical. It can be done because it has been done. As long as the machine is Turing complete, it will be able to do anything, given enough memory and time. (these two things are at a premium in their own ways, though)

Regarding organbuilding, I am designing and building a small electric action residence organ for my living room. The case is in the old Dutch style, and the stops less than impressive. I will have one rank of flute pipes and one rank of principal pipes. (if I get lucky, maybe some reeds en Chamade) These few ranks will be duplexed into a seven stop organ. This project is presently at a stand-still due to lack of funding and pipe design problems.

I am writing a series of high fantasy novels. Click here for the page about them. Frequently updated drafts can be downloaded there as well.

If you have any suggestions, mail them to

Home again.